Our goal is to create a variety of travel opportunities that pique your curiosity about history, science, arts, geography or culture while exploring those interests with other OLLI members. While most of our programs are unique to OLLI at Clemson, we sometimes partner with other OLLIs or companies in order to provide top-notch travel opportunities.
For international travel information, click on International Travel.
These programs require very little physical fitness and consist of little physical activity.
These programs consist of slightly more physical activity than those in the “Easy” category. These programs may, for example, consist of equal parts walking and riding, sitting, or stopping.
These programs require a fair amount of physical fitness and may require you to be active for up to three hours at a time. Many programs in the active category may require up to a mile of walking before taking a break and will likely cause you to break a bit of a sweat.
These programs require a good deal of physical fitness and more physical activity. These programs may require, for example, a lot of walking on uneven terrain and/or up and down hills for long periods of time.
Activity level rankings are provided for programs as appropriate; please consider your needs and abilities when registering. For questions, including accessibility inquiries, please reach out to us at the office at (864) 633 - 5242 or at olli@clemson.edu!
1. Overnight and multi-night excursions will require a deposit to hold your space. If the minimum number of participants is not met by the registration deadline, the trip may be canceled. In this case, your deposit will be refunded in the method of payment.
2. Payment for day trips is due in full upon registration.
3. Final payments for overnight trips are due 2 weeks (14 calendar days) before the excursion departure date. Final payments for multi-night excursions are due 3 weeks (21 days) before the excursion departure date.
4. If you must cancel your registration in an excursion, please note that OLLI must receive a written request; email is certainly acceptable! Refunds will be made on the following schedule:
Day trips require 5 full business days written notice to receive a full refund.
Overnight trips: Deposit is refundable until "register by" date. 75% of deposit is refundable until the final payment. Final payment is non-refundable.
Multi-night excursions: Deposit is refundable until the "register by" date. 75% of deposit is refundable until the final payment. Final payment is non-refundable.
5. Registrations may be transferable to other OLLI Members in good standing!